Bernie Dodges Harris’s Failures with Corporate Greed Rant

Philip Yabut /
Philip Yabut /

Oh look, Bernie Sanders is back at it again, dancing around the issue like it’s a Vermont square dance. When asked if Pennsylvania Democrats are hurting Kamala Harris’s chances in the state, he conveniently dodges the question. This man has been talking in circles for decades now, and somehow, we’re still expected to take his word as gospel. Instead of addressing the elephant in the room, he blabbers on about income inequality and corporate greed. Sure, those are problems, but Bernie, that’s not the question! It’s as if the Democrats forgot that Harris has a giant credibility problem.

Let’s get one thing straight: Pennsylvania Democrats are desperately trying to distance themselves from Biden’s disastrous policies ahead of 2024, and they’re not exactly doing Kamala any favors. Take Sen. Bob Casey’s latest ad, where he brags about “bucking Biden” on fracking and even siding with Trump on tariffs with China. Imagine that—siding with Trump! That must have given the far-left faction of his party heart palpitations.

But here’s the kicker: Casey isn’t doing this out of principle; he’s doing it because he knows how unpopular Biden and Harris are with the working class. Pennsylvania is a battleground state, and Democrats are sweating bullets trying to hold on to it.

Meanwhile, Sanders couldn’t resist launching into his usual talking points about corporate greed and income inequality. We get it, Bernie—rich people bad, corporations bad. It’s the same tune you’ve been singing for years. But when it comes to the actual issues that are hurting Harris, like her flip-flopping on fracking and the Green New Deal, he’s got nothing. CNN’s Jake Tapper pressed Sanders on Harris’s convenient policy reversals, and what did Bernie do? He glossed over it, calling it part of a “coalition” working to beat Trump. Yeah, because nothing says coalition like flip-flopping on core issues.

And speaking of Trump, Sanders tried to make him out to be the boogeyman again, calling him a “very dangerous candidate.” That’s the Democrats’ favorite line these days—scare everyone into voting for them because Trump is somehow more dangerous than a party that can’t even agree on whether to ban fracking. The truth is, Trump’s policies actually resonated with a lot of voters in states like Pennsylvania, and that’s why Casey is now borrowing from Trump’s playbook. But Sanders, in all his wisdom, just can’t bring himself to admit that Harris’s inconsistency on key issues is a liability. Instead, he brushes it off as part of the grand plan to defeat Trump.

Then, Tapper brought up another thorny issue for the Democrats: Harris’s fading support from Arab-Americans in Michigan. Biden’s unwavering support for Israel in its conflict with Hamas isn’t playing well with that voting bloc, but Bernie, ever the diplomat, tries to have it both ways. He calls Hamas a “terrible terrorist organization” (thank you for the obvious, Bernie) but then immediately pivots to criticize Israel, arguing that they have no right to wage war on the Palestinian people. It’s classic Bernie—criticize everyone, solve nothing. And, of course, he made sure to throw in his pet project: cutting offensive military aid to Israel.

Because, apparently, that’s the real priority when Harris is struggling to hold together what’s left of the Democratic coalition.

What’s Sanders’s solution to Harris’s dwindling support? Well, apparently, it’s not to win over voters with actual policies—they’re banking on Trump being “worse.” According to Bernie, if you’re upset with Harris, you better brace yourself because Trump is “closer to Netanyahu.” That’s their big pitch—“Yeah, Harris might be bad, but Trump is worse.” That’s not exactly the kind of message that inspires confidence, but it’s all they’ve got.

Let’s not forget, Michigan is another critical swing state where Harris is already losing ground to Trump. During a rally in Michigan, Trump laid it all out: Democrats have run cities like Detroit into the ground, and he’s promising to bring a “real comeback.” The sad part? He’s not wrong. The Democrats’ track record in major cities speaks for itself. It’s no wonder Trump is leading Harris in Michigan, according to RealClearPolitics polling. Harris had a brief moment where she led the state, but Trump is back on top, and if this keeps up, the Democrats might as well start packing up for 2024.

So, what’s the takeaway here? Democrats are in trouble. Sanders can try to sugarcoat it all he wants, but Harris’s flip-flopping and weak support in key states are real problems. If their best strategy is to scare voters into thinking Trump is worse, they’ve already lost.